Today's topic is politics.
Before we elect our new president, let's reflect upon the Bush years.
Here we go (Mario's voice in Mario 64). This is what happened: gas prices rose by $3 a gallon, we're in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan spending billions of dollars, the mishandling of Katrina, our economy is in ruins and the biggest thing is 9/11 happened under his watch. Our troops are fighting for what, oil? Terrorists? (Watch "Power of Nightmares" and then you'll understand where I am coming from). My favorite quote after gas prices went above $2/gal "We are addicted to oil". Really, I never noticed. Nice going, stating the freakin obvious. What are you (Bush) going to do about it? I don't know, how about nothing. After he stated that fact ,the price of gas is about doubled. He, also, suspended building new solar panels. The housing market is a mess, medicare and social security is getting worse.
What would have happened if our election was based on the popular vote instead of the electoral college? What if? Anyways, what a crappy eight years it has been.
Democratic National convention just ended and the RNC is about to begin.
By now, aren't you sick of the damn commercials playing over and over again. It's only get worse until that first Tuesday in November. On every channel, during your favorite show, you see how either candidate is the better choice than the other. You already know what they are going to say. A bunch of B.S. The debates and the conventions on multiple channels, depriving me of watching my favorite shows or missing the late local news. All the promises about lower taxes, better health care, lower gas prices and a better economy. Haven't we heard this before? I mean, come on, you hear about change all the time, but it does it happen? Most of the time, no.
This time, I don't want that to be the case. I WANT CHANGE!! I WANT THE TRUTH!!! At what price though? Everything has a price, even freedom. It's politics, it's not like a box of chocolates. You exactly know what you are going to get. Lies, manipulation, and higher taxes.
In the end, I DON'T CARE WHO WINS!!!! All I want is change from whatever Bush did. I just want things to get better, I know it might take sometime but I am willing to wait. I hope, beyond hope, that either candidate is better than that idiot, Bush, and this country will move in a positive direction.
Is there hope? Will there be change? Only time will tell.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Projekt Revolution
It's been a week since my last post, so here's what happened.
Last Saturday I went to Projekt Revolution. I went because I have never have been to a rock festival and Linkin Park were going to be there to perform. I drove there ,with my sis, to Alpine Valley, got lost for about 20 minutes but found our way there. By the time we got there, we had already missed a couple of bands. The weather was perfect; sunny with a slight wind and the temp was about 82 deg.
The bands leading up to Linkin Park were good, especially the band 10 years. Chris Cornell was awesome and was definitely better than I thought he would be. There were a lot of drunk people and some were just plain high. My favorite part was when a drunk middle-aged lady, a few rows ahead and to the right of us, was dancing to every song of The Bravery and Ashes Divide. She was gone by the time Linkin Park was about to perform, I guess she passed out or something.
Linkin Park is awesome!! They started with one of my favorite songs "No more sorrow" with Brad's, who is unbelievable live, intro. Chris Cornell made a cameo in the song "Crawling". Chester's voice is amazing live, I mean it sounds exactly like the album. Rob is just...can't really describe crazy on the drums. They played all of my favorites except "Place for my head".
That's worth the price of admission and more. I will never forget about that day.
That's about it. I might be posting about some rant in the near furture. Peace.
Last Saturday I went to Projekt Revolution. I went because I have never have been to a rock festival and Linkin Park were going to be there to perform. I drove there ,with my sis, to Alpine Valley, got lost for about 20 minutes but found our way there. By the time we got there, we had already missed a couple of bands. The weather was perfect; sunny with a slight wind and the temp was about 82 deg.
The bands leading up to Linkin Park were good, especially the band 10 years. Chris Cornell was awesome and was definitely better than I thought he would be. There were a lot of drunk people and some were just plain high. My favorite part was when a drunk middle-aged lady, a few rows ahead and to the right of us, was dancing to every song of The Bravery and Ashes Divide. She was gone by the time Linkin Park was about to perform, I guess she passed out or something.
Linkin Park is awesome!! They started with one of my favorite songs "No more sorrow" with Brad's, who is unbelievable live, intro. Chris Cornell made a cameo in the song "Crawling". Chester's voice is amazing live, I mean it sounds exactly like the album. Rob is just...can't really describe crazy on the drums. They played all of my favorites except "Place for my head".
That's worth the price of admission and more. I will never forget about that day.
That's about it. I might be posting about some rant in the near furture. Peace.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Today's topic is sports and how it influences my life.
People that know me very well, knows that sports plays a very important role in life. I like sports for many reasons: it's competitive, it's fun to play and watch, it's a good hobby, and gets you great exercise (keeps me in shape).
I love sports that have strategy and action. Which leads to my favorite sport.
My favorite sport is basketball, football a close second, third is baseball, and fourth is soccer. The reason basketball is number one in my eyes is because I can play it well and football...not so much.
The teams that I cheer for is between two cities: Chicago and Detroit. Why the split? I've spent my life in Chicago area -> Detroit area-> back to Chicago.
If I had to rank them: Basketball: Pistons, then Bulls; Football: Lions, Bears; Baseball; Tigers and Cubs then the White Sox. The Cubs and Tigers are equal because I saw a lot of Cubs games on tv on those hot summer days.
Lot of good memories with sports. I went my first baseball game in Tiger Stadium in '92. The Tigers played the Red Sox and won 11-7 (Alan Trammell hit a 3-run shot to put the game away). I remember when the Red Wings won back to back titles in '97 and '98 ( and some idiot in school decides to wear an Avalanche jersey school), when the Pistons won the championship in '04 (I had a dance for that), when the '03 Cubs were one game away from the World Series (damn wasn't his fault), and when the Tigers made the World Series in '06 (Mags 3-run shot in the 9th, game 4 of ALCS).
My favorite player in basketball is, obviously, Michael Jordan. In baseball, it's...I don't think I have one. In football, it's Barry Sanders. In soccer, even though he's before my time, Pele.
I predicted when the baseball season started it'll be the Cubs and Tigers, but it looks like it won't happen. I think the Cubs can make it very far but those pesky Brewers won't go away. Tigers got to a horrible start and won't recover.
Lions have the best QB in the division, which isn't saying much btw. Bears QB situation is just horrible but I think their defense will carry them. Minnesota is overrated and GB's Aaron Rodgers has too much pressure on him.
The Pistons finally fired Flip Saunders, I am definitely disappointed in their draft. The Bulls made a mistake in taking Rose, they should have taken Beasley.
That's my take on sports. Next time I might comment on the Olympics.
Please comment. Any feed back is appreciated.
People that know me very well, knows that sports plays a very important role in life. I like sports for many reasons: it's competitive, it's fun to play and watch, it's a good hobby, and gets you great exercise (keeps me in shape).
I love sports that have strategy and action. Which leads to my favorite sport.
My favorite sport is basketball, football a close second, third is baseball, and fourth is soccer. The reason basketball is number one in my eyes is because I can play it well and football...not so much.
The teams that I cheer for is between two cities: Chicago and Detroit. Why the split? I've spent my life in Chicago area -> Detroit area-> back to Chicago.
If I had to rank them: Basketball: Pistons, then Bulls; Football: Lions, Bears; Baseball; Tigers and Cubs then the White Sox. The Cubs and Tigers are equal because I saw a lot of Cubs games on tv on those hot summer days.
Lot of good memories with sports. I went my first baseball game in Tiger Stadium in '92. The Tigers played the Red Sox and won 11-7 (Alan Trammell hit a 3-run shot to put the game away). I remember when the Red Wings won back to back titles in '97 and '98 ( and some idiot in school decides to wear an Avalanche jersey school), when the Pistons won the championship in '04 (I had a dance for that), when the '03 Cubs were one game away from the World Series (damn wasn't his fault), and when the Tigers made the World Series in '06 (Mags 3-run shot in the 9th, game 4 of ALCS).
My favorite player in basketball is, obviously, Michael Jordan. In baseball, it's...I don't think I have one. In football, it's Barry Sanders. In soccer, even though he's before my time, Pele.
I predicted when the baseball season started it'll be the Cubs and Tigers, but it looks like it won't happen. I think the Cubs can make it very far but those pesky Brewers won't go away. Tigers got to a horrible start and won't recover.
Lions have the best QB in the division, which isn't saying much btw. Bears QB situation is just horrible but I think their defense will carry them. Minnesota is overrated and GB's Aaron Rodgers has too much pressure on him.
The Pistons finally fired Flip Saunders, I am definitely disappointed in their draft. The Bulls made a mistake in taking Rose, they should have taken Beasley.
That's my take on sports. Next time I might comment on the Olympics.
Please comment. Any feed back is appreciated.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Stupid drivers
Hello, people. Today's topic is about not so bright drivers. I don't know where to start because there are so many things that drivers do to make me mad. We wonder why gas prices are so high? Why are there so many fatal accidents? Why are there many road rage incidents? "How did this idiot get their license"?
Let's start with a few questions.
Why drivers need to speed to the next red light? Maybe it's a competition who can get there first, show off your car to all the other drivers, i.e. ego. What does it accomplish? Other being first to the light, saving a second or two, showing who's boss, but in the end it wastes gas, leads to a quicker brake job and other car problems. I see this pretty much everyday when I drive and ask myself "why?" The worst example is saw was a yellow H2 hummer doing this. "We see your hummer, it's yellow, it's not hard to miss. You think you are the man, at least I think it was a man driving, don't you look like a fool when I pass you". Why do need to be first in line to speed off to the next light, while doing this cutting off a van that needs to turn right but you are going straight.
Why do drivers have their car on for no apparent reason? I don't see this as often as I used to but it still happens. When I do see this, it's for waiting for someone, especially at the supermarket, waiting for the person to do their quick shopping that ends up taking 10 minutes
Did you know that an idling car gets 0 mpg? Thus wasting gas. Turn off the car if waiting for more than 10 seconds or better yet join the person who is shopping and get some exercise.
Next question is why do people speed, weave in and out of traffic or shoulder riding? I am not talking about 5 or 10 mph over the limit, I am talking about 15+ mph over? Again, the answer is to save time. How much time are they really saving? 5 or 10 min maybe? Is it worth risking other drivers safety? Those drivers get so upset, as in tailgate, honk , or give the driver salute, and sometimes leads to road rage. I don't understand why they are upset when the slow driver is the one who is actually obeying the law. If they are late to meeting, they should have left earlier or get an alarm clock that works.
I don't know if it's me but I see a lot of SUV's speeding. Example of this was when I went to the airport to pickup my dad. This SUV flying down the on ramp, merged on to the freeway, cut across four lanes barely missing the car behind me, and then cut back across the freeway, barely missing a car in front of me, only to be eventually slowed down by traffic. These kind of drivers scare me because they probably won't stop until they hurt themselves or others. SUV's don't even get good gas mileage to begin with, speeding makes it worse.
Speeding semi drivers scare me the most because they are so big and if they have to stop suddenly, it'll take a longer time to do so than a car. Another example, I am minding my own business going a little over the speed limit (58 mph in a 55) when this semi kept on gaining on me. Traffic is getting congested so I have to slow down (I hit my brakes) and this semi is still gaining, flashing its lights at me. I don't know what to do, I am trapped, I can't go anywhere, maybe to the shoulder, not enough time. Traffic is now about 25 mph and slowing. The next thing I hear is screeching noise from the semi and now I am hoping to god he can come to a stop without hitting me. I close my eyes and hope for the best. The semi does stop in time. I breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time I am shaken up a little.
The moral is if people behind the wheel limited their speeding, roads will be safer, the gas prices will come down (better mpg's) and cities will be less polluted. Why? Vehicles get better mpg's when going slower and a have better reaction time (less stopping distance). SUV's probably increase their mileage by 50-75%.
Why are drivers multi-tasking when behind the wheel? Such as talking on the cell phone, doing their make-up, turning their head around to look for something or yelling at passengers or an extreme example of changing clothes. I see too many drivers on the phone being oblivious to others. My advice is pull over and do what's needed on the shoulder or parking lot or get a headset where you still can have both hands on the wheel. There are too many cars and people for you not to pay attention to the road.
A drunk driver has to be the most dangerous person there is on the road. They are unpredictable and hazardous to other drivers. Why would anyone let a person to drive drunk is beyond my comprehension. Maybe the person who is attempting to drive thinks that they are still capable of making quick decisions or ,again, ego is involved. Should bars be responsible for their customers or the hosts of a party should be responsible for their guests? The answer is yes, but to an extent. In the end, the responsibility is up to person making the final decision, the driver. People, humans make mistakes, learn from them and move on. But, the drunk drivers who keep on making the same mistake over and over again should never be allowed to drive. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin this happens way too often. Wisconsin has the worst laws in the country when it comes to drunk driving. I see it in the news, "another family is shattered when a drunk driver crosses the median and slams into oncoming traffic". The drunk driver has multiple OWI's, DWI's, or DUI's. Not just two or three but six or seven. This makes me sick to my stomach. I am scared to drive at night in this state because who know what drunk idiot out there is behind the wheel. How am I supposed to feel safe when I am driving? This state needs stricter laws on any driver who had too much to drink.
All of these things have one thing in common: it can be avoided. If these drivers can wisen up, get it through the brains that they are not the only ones on the road, the roadways will be safer.
The best thing you can do is to be a defensive driver. Always know the situation around you and you will make it safely to your destination.
The answer to "how did this idiot get a license", it's everybody's favorite question and only you know the answer.
Let's start with a few questions.
Why drivers need to speed to the next red light? Maybe it's a competition who can get there first, show off your car to all the other drivers, i.e. ego. What does it accomplish? Other being first to the light, saving a second or two, showing who's boss, but in the end it wastes gas, leads to a quicker brake job and other car problems. I see this pretty much everyday when I drive and ask myself "why?" The worst example is saw was a yellow H2 hummer doing this. "We see your hummer, it's yellow, it's not hard to miss. You think you are the man, at least I think it was a man driving, don't you look like a fool when I pass you". Why do need to be first in line to speed off to the next light, while doing this cutting off a van that needs to turn right but you are going straight.
Why do drivers have their car on for no apparent reason? I don't see this as often as I used to but it still happens. When I do see this, it's for waiting for someone, especially at the supermarket, waiting for the person to do their quick shopping that ends up taking 10 minutes
Did you know that an idling car gets 0 mpg? Thus wasting gas. Turn off the car if waiting for more than 10 seconds or better yet join the person who is shopping and get some exercise.
Next question is why do people speed, weave in and out of traffic or shoulder riding? I am not talking about 5 or 10 mph over the limit, I am talking about 15+ mph over? Again, the answer is to save time. How much time are they really saving? 5 or 10 min maybe? Is it worth risking other drivers safety? Those drivers get so upset, as in tailgate, honk , or give the driver salute, and sometimes leads to road rage. I don't understand why they are upset when the slow driver is the one who is actually obeying the law. If they are late to meeting, they should have left earlier or get an alarm clock that works.
I don't know if it's me but I see a lot of SUV's speeding. Example of this was when I went to the airport to pickup my dad. This SUV flying down the on ramp, merged on to the freeway, cut across four lanes barely missing the car behind me, and then cut back across the freeway, barely missing a car in front of me, only to be eventually slowed down by traffic. These kind of drivers scare me because they probably won't stop until they hurt themselves or others. SUV's don't even get good gas mileage to begin with, speeding makes it worse.
Speeding semi drivers scare me the most because they are so big and if they have to stop suddenly, it'll take a longer time to do so than a car. Another example, I am minding my own business going a little over the speed limit (58 mph in a 55) when this semi kept on gaining on me. Traffic is getting congested so I have to slow down (I hit my brakes) and this semi is still gaining, flashing its lights at me. I don't know what to do, I am trapped, I can't go anywhere, maybe to the shoulder, not enough time. Traffic is now about 25 mph and slowing. The next thing I hear is screeching noise from the semi and now I am hoping to god he can come to a stop without hitting me. I close my eyes and hope for the best. The semi does stop in time. I breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time I am shaken up a little.
The moral is if people behind the wheel limited their speeding, roads will be safer, the gas prices will come down (better mpg's) and cities will be less polluted. Why? Vehicles get better mpg's when going slower and a have better reaction time (less stopping distance). SUV's probably increase their mileage by 50-75%.
Why are drivers multi-tasking when behind the wheel? Such as talking on the cell phone, doing their make-up, turning their head around to look for something or yelling at passengers or an extreme example of changing clothes. I see too many drivers on the phone being oblivious to others. My advice is pull over and do what's needed on the shoulder or parking lot or get a headset where you still can have both hands on the wheel. There are too many cars and people for you not to pay attention to the road.
A drunk driver has to be the most dangerous person there is on the road. They are unpredictable and hazardous to other drivers. Why would anyone let a person to drive drunk is beyond my comprehension. Maybe the person who is attempting to drive thinks that they are still capable of making quick decisions or ,again, ego is involved. Should bars be responsible for their customers or the hosts of a party should be responsible for their guests? The answer is yes, but to an extent. In the end, the responsibility is up to person making the final decision, the driver. People, humans make mistakes, learn from them and move on. But, the drunk drivers who keep on making the same mistake over and over again should never be allowed to drive. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin this happens way too often. Wisconsin has the worst laws in the country when it comes to drunk driving. I see it in the news, "another family is shattered when a drunk driver crosses the median and slams into oncoming traffic". The drunk driver has multiple OWI's, DWI's, or DUI's. Not just two or three but six or seven. This makes me sick to my stomach. I am scared to drive at night in this state because who know what drunk idiot out there is behind the wheel. How am I supposed to feel safe when I am driving? This state needs stricter laws on any driver who had too much to drink.
All of these things have one thing in common: it can be avoided. If these drivers can wisen up, get it through the brains that they are not the only ones on the road, the roadways will be safer.
The best thing you can do is to be a defensive driver. Always know the situation around you and you will make it safely to your destination.
The answer to "how did this idiot get a license", it's everybody's favorite question and only you know the answer.
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