Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hey. I had two quick posts this week because: I am bored and have a lot to say.
My new favorite radio voice (no, it's not Ryan Seacrest) is Simon Badinter. He's a French guy who tells it like it is. I heard him on the radio while driving back from my parents' place. He talks about, really an outsiders view of America. He has lived in this country for a dozen years or so and has lived in France for at least 20+ years. People's responses are at least surprising because some support but others are in denial. Anyways, that's got me thinking about today's topic.

I was watching the news and they keep on talking about the "Swine Flu Emergency". First of all, it's not called the swine flu but "H1N1" virus and second of all how long can an emergency last? They have been talking about this for months. The swine flu hype has gotten out of control. This is a basic flu, which if you get it and don't have certain risk factors, shouldn't be a big deal. You will feel like crap just like any flu and feel better in a couple days. Now, there is the swine flu shot along with the regular flu shot. People who should get this shot are the ones who are at risk: kids, pregnant women, and the elderly, just like any other flu. Any other people shouldn't worry about this more than they should have to. This just reminds about the bird flu; remember how that ended? It ended (the hype) like a whimper. It still exists but not as bad. This is how it'll end too.

Are we an over-medicated society? Is this country addicted to drugs (not marijuana)? I mean there is a pill for everything from headaches to diarrhea. Do we really need to depend on medication for every little thing? I know people have headaches, body aches, fever and whatnot. I know there are people who can't avoid medication. I'm not talking about them, but I am talking about the slightest aches and pains or the slightest sign of a headache. The human body is a stronger than you can ever imagine. It'll just take a little bit longer to heal but is it worth being addicted or spending money on a certain medications? It's all about instant gratification. Maybe when you get a headache, your body is telling you to take some rest or eat better or just plain relax. How did our ancestors dealt with pain? They didn't have all this medication that we have now. They survived, didn't they? I think people in this country are soft; from the top to bottom. Ooh we need this or that. Please, deal with it and move on.

There will be a part two to this post. TBC.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad Day....

Hey. Have you had a bad day that starts from when you get up and never stops. I had one of those days recently. Only one thing that happened that was good but everything was just bad. Jeez, it just felt I couldn't catch a break from people being on my case or things going wrong that I had no control of. I didn't even listen to the radio because I was afraid the "Bad Day" would play. I am experiencing it, I don't need to be reminded of it. During the process that day, I hurt my wrist because I was angry of what people assume. So just to show my anger and frustration, I pounded my fist at an ironing board. It's the same culprits as has been before so nothing new. On top of that, it was my day off. All I wanted to do is play video games and watch tv. I wanted to go workout but decided, eh, not today. At the end of the day, it was just one of those days that you would like to forget and move on. Until next time, buh bye.


This is going to be quick blog. Music now-a-days suck, the meaning of these songs are just recycled. It's the same ol' crap (love, money, and cars). So, if anyone has music that isn't pop and is highly recommended, let me know. Quick question: I need a new ringtone, any suggestions? Comment below. See ya!

Monday, October 5, 2009

2016 Olympics...

Hey. Chicago is not hosting the 2016 Olympics. Am I disappointed? Of course I am but not heart-broken. I was shocked that Chicago came in fourth out of four cities. I am kinda glad we didn't get the games. It's like hosting a party. You have to spend a lot of money for a short period of time and you have to clean up the mess everyone else has made. And for what? Just for a little publicity. Many people visit Chicago every year from all over the world. Think about how expensive it'll be? How much construction and traffic there will be? Vancouver (2010) and London (2012) games are way over budget (by hundreds of millions)and city's taxpayers are on the hook. There is so much construction here it feels already like it never ends; that goes for traffic as well. Who'll end up picking up the tab? Chicago taxpayers of course. So, it's probably not such as loss. Kids should not cry about this. Chicago is a wonderful city and it will eventually host an Olympiad but I guess it wasn't their time. Besides Rio deserves it anyways, it looks like a beautiful place and they'll do a good job. Good luck to them.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Response: Obama

I had comments that I hate Obama or want to be a politician. Neither is the case. I don't hate Obama but I am criticizing his leadership and his presidency so far. There is plenty of time for him to improve. He is capable of doing more than what he has done. I don't want to be a politician because nobody's listens to me and I am not smart enough. This is the only way where I can vent on how I feel. It's just my opinion.

I will post something new sometime soon.