Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hey's nice to talk to you again. Before I start my topic, I just want to say how happy I am for the lack of snow this month. NO shoveling equals no back pain. My life has hit a predictability patch. I am trying to learn something new but the class I am taking isn't teaching me anything new, yet. I am listening to blog talk radio about new topics about fitness and spirituality. I am thinking of shaving my beard off...just to have a different look. Anyways...let's get to my topic.

Religion always leads to controversy, so let's start there. Religion, like I said before, has lost more meaning in these few years than they had in past centuries. Just seeing how priests doing their illegal stuff (think Michael Jackson) and telling followers what to do and if they don't follow they are bad. I mean, come on, these should be guidelines on how to live not law. Example, I will reiterate, you won't be a bad person if you ate meat when you are not supposed to. God won't judge you because of that, it's your action towards others and how you present yourself to the world. Religion is supposed to make you a better person but does it? There's fighting between Jews and Muslims, Hindus and Muslims, Protestants and Catholics, and so on.
Let's keep the train moving. If homosexuals want to be that way, let them. Who are we, as a society, tell them that being gay is wrong and that God will spite them? What is wrong with people discovering who they are, and being gay? If they want to get married, let them, how is that going to hurt anybody? Proposition 5 failed in California because the religious groups said the Bible states "that a marriage is between a man and a woman". Who wrote the Bible? God or man? Especially in this country, I am disappointed in the actions against homosexuals, isn't it their right to happiness? Who cares if it's by choice or being genetic? Respect homosexuals,not just them only, but everyone else as well.
I am tired of people who come to our country and complain about everything. If you hate it so much, leave. Especially to the people who make a living here, you chose to come here for a better life. Respect our country or leave. Another thing that bothers me, how come people live in this country for years but still can't learn our language? I mean the basics not the whole language. Hell, even I don't know every word in the dictionary and I have lived in this country my whole life.
Well, I am done here. Comments please, thanks.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Irk...a funny word

Hello, people.  A new year is a new beginning, so cheers to a new beginning. There are many things that are irritating (irks) me. So, let's get started. 

Today, our new president gets inaugurated. Everybody is making such a big deal about it, as they should, due to the importance of an Africa-American as president. But he hasn't done anything yet and people are calling him the "savior" or similar to that.  There's a lot to fix, so let's get to it. All we see is potential, let's see him do the job and move on. 
A barrel of oil is now $37 but the gas prices went up...hmm....price gouging? Who knows? Just as anyone I hate getting ripped off but no one seems to be complaining.
I know I touched on this subject in my earlier blog....I hate people following things blindly. Understand what you are doing and explain it to other people. That's all, it's easy. I am tired of negative people and their energy. If you know somebody like that, you gotta get know a break, it just wears at you ...makes you exhausted....I am also exhausted of people not listening to me, even though when I am right, but the more I think about it...comes down to respect. When things are going downhill, you'll know who your friends are. I am going through that phase and am disappointed at the people who I thought were my closest friends but also surprised to find out who are. I have more but will save that for another day.
In other news.....My car, yesterday, hit 110,000 miles...I am so happy my car is still working. It's MY car not the bank's. It's fun to say. Working out hurts, some days you don't want to, but in the end it's worth it. I am so sore...I mean beyond sore. Still, wondering what my body fat percentage is.  I have goals for this year and hope I can accomplish it. 
That's it for today. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Guess who's back?

It's been awhile since I last posted something. I got busy really fast with school and other things. Let's get started with all the updates.

I voted in the recent election and everybody/thing I voted for got elected/passed. Now, Obama will become president..let's see what he can do to the economy and other things. He has a long way to go to fix things. 

Gas prices have tumbled to a low I haven't seen in years. It got to about 1.59 but now it's 1.89. Hell, I ain't complainin about that. Hopefully, it'll stay low for awhile until the economy gets better. 

My fantasy football teams did decent. I won two leagues, came in third, sixth, and eighth in the others. I am in one basketball league, where I am currently in second. My whole team is pretty much injured, so I hope they get healthy soon.

My parents went to India in late November and have returned last weekend. They brought back a lot of items and pictures. I wish I could have gone but my sis and I had school to finish. So, we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. It was kind of boring and quiet. At the end of the day, we survived. Winter weather, on the other hand, can complain all day about. It pretty much snowed the whole time and when it didn't snow, it got really cold. I was glad to get out of Wisconsin/Illinois area. 

We went to KC to visit my cousin, Naveen. I had a fun time there, we went shopping, ice skating, bowling, to movies and played a lot of halo 3...(where I went undefeated but with a few close calls). We went to Naveen's friend's place to play some guitar hero but mostly a quiz game called "Buzz". I won the first two times but barely lost the last one. Village West is where we went shopping, they had good deals. We all bought each other gifts (got jeans and a shirt).  I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart, where they had the biggest collection of furniture I had ever seen. The bowling was nice, I won once and Naveen won once, sis came in last both times. Food there was good, especially the Italian place "Buca". They gave so much food, I couldn't finish it. 
The movie I saw was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". It was a very good movie, I recommend watching it. The only bad thing about the movie it's quite long. New Year's Eve was all right, didn't do much. I hope this year will be better than the last one.

That's the update for now. There will be a rant coming soon.