Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I had so much free time, Tuesday, that I helped cook, vacuum, and helped my mom walk a block. I tried to pass the time by watching TV, doing push-ups, and just relaxing. I decided to watch the documentary "Sicko" to better understand this health care debate.. If you haven't watched "Sicko" please do before commenting.

I wanted to write so much about how I felt but decided to calm down because I was so angry. I was and still am angry at the insurance companies, the politicians and people who don't have a conscience. I felt for the victims who had to suffer because I too have been there. My mom had to wait the hospital for an extra week (she stayed for a total of three weeks) because the insurance company wouldn't give her the meds needed. The reason: the didn't think my mom was sick enough. Hell, anybody could have seen that. After getting 6 doctors' recommendations, they approved it. Guess what? They only covered partial payment of the hospital stay. We have to come up with the rest. It's their fault my mom had to stay and now we get punished. How's that fair? There are stories where children and their family suffers because they got sick or an accident but can't afford it because the insurance decided not to cover their expenses. Why are they punishing them? What did they do wrong? What insurance companies did to these people was heartless.
What bothers me even more that prisoners (terrorists) at Guantanamo Bay get better health care than we do. What's even worse seeing Bush gloating about it.

I now understand why the insurance companies and Republicans are against the public option. We all know how we got there....power, greed and money. Some Doctors support them because of money. Instead of having 7 cars and 5 house they will only have five cars and thee houses. I mean is there a difference? Don't get me wrong, there are doctors who will help and do care but not enough or this would have been fixed a long time ago.

I am afraid any health care reform won't pass thus this will never change. What are the other Americans afraid of? Too much government spending? We would have a crap load less debt if they avoided wars and other stuff. Taxpayers pay for the Police and fire departments, the library system, mass transit (to an extent), schools (K-12) and the Post Office. I am sick and tired of this socialistic view BS. Seriously, America is headed that way if not already there.

The health care system needs to be overhauled and Obama at least is trying do something about it. Although, something is better than nothing but it probably won't be enough because it'll be watered down. In the end, if you want better health care and live a longer life, America won't provide that for you. Hopefully, us Americans, won't get sick and practice preventative medicine or otherwise, well, you're screwed.

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