Monday, November 9, 2009


Hey. Is it jeez or geez? What is jeez or geez short for? Jesus? I have no idea.

I was listening to the radio and found out something had happened at Fort Hood. I heard about the tragedy. People were shocked something like could happen but I wasn't. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped. I am surprised that this guy didn't want to be there and nothing was done to accommodate him. Of course this is all rumor, but if it's true this is unbelievably sad. Now the Arab community is concerned of a backlash because of this guy. I hope, Americans, can see that this is the exception not the rule and learned from 9/11.

Watching the news over the weekend, a report on CNN got my attention. They were interviewing Muslim extremists (who look Caucasian and have no accent) , who are promoting ideas on the streets of NYC. They say that all Americans should die for their actions and people who are non-Muslims should also pay the price of death as well. are in America. How is this gonna help you, telling people that they should kill themselves? Are you crazy? It's just scary that people are in this country thinks like this. Jeez, we are fighting terrorists overseas but there are lots of them here as well. If this was a different country they will get slapped but here it's okay to say stuff like that because of the first amendment. Don't you love America?

I could keep on going but I won't. Anyways, buh-bye.

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