Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Medicated...Part two

Before I get started, Brett Favre came back to Lambeau Field as the enemy. His team won beat the Packers whoop-dee-doo. Now the hype of that game is over, let's talk about important things in life like crime, weather, and health. Geez, the news here is weird.

Over- medication leads to many things. The medicine that you are taking to get rid of an ailment will fail to work since it (the body) has become adapted to it. An example of this is antibiotics. Doctors used to prescribe to their patients antibiotics for every type of flu or cold. Now, they are more careful but the damage is done. Instead of being effective (the antibiotics) the body will have an "eh" response or like "been there, done that". It's like empty threats to punish your kid for doing something wrong. After awhile, all effectiveness is gone. No wonder the drug companies are making a crap load of money. They are just trying to scare the people into taking medication that you probably don't need. People are so easily scared because they believe what anybody's says. Thank god for Fact Check. Anyways, why ruin a good thing? Take medicine when only absolutely necessary. Use common sense, eat well,give yourself time to relax (meditation or yoga) and exercise. That should take care of most the problems.

All of this can take care of the health care debate. It should have never gotten to this point but we got to move on and take care of ourselves. If we do that, everything will be easier.

P.S.: Don't listen what celebrities have to say about what works for them health wise. Everyone's different and their way is not the only way. There are way too many celebrities who have no medical degree giving advice to the public. At the end of the day, they're trying to make money for their book or their interests. So be careful, and do your own research.

'Til next time, bye.

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